Jayant Thatte, Ph.D.
Software Engineer, Waymo LLC
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I recently graduated with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University. I am excited to soon start working at Waymo on their self-drivng car effort. My areas of expertise include computer vision, virtual reality, image processing, and computer graphics. I completed my doctoral research in Stanford's Image Video and Multimedia Systems (IVMS) Lab and was advised by Prof. Bernd Girod. My research focused on enabling real-time head-motion parallax in virtual reality for real-world content. To that end, I designed and built a custom camera rig, proposed a novel depth-fusion algorithm for robust 3-D reconstruction, explored novel scene representations, and developed a custom real-time graphics renderer to demonstrate the head-motion parallax on Oculus Rift headset at the recommended resolution and framerate. My professional interests also include deep learning methods, light fields, and keypoint detectors and feature descriptors.


Stanford University
Ph.D Electrical Engineering
CGPA: 3.97 / 4.0 [Transcript]
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, India
B.Tech.-M.Tech. (joint) Electrical Engineering
Minor: Economics
CGPA: 9.37 / 10.0 [Transcript]

Philips India Award for highest cumulative GPA in Electrical Engineering at the time of graduation


Stanford University, Ph.D. Student
Advisor (2015-present): Prof. Bernd Girod
Area: Virtual reality, light fields, computer graphics
Project: Data representations for live-action virtual reality with motion parallax, real-time six degrees of freedom 360 rendering, effects of motion parallax and binocular stereopsis on viewer preference and subjective visual perception in virtual reality
Thesis: Cinematic Virtual Reality with Head-motion Parallax
Indian Institute of technology (IIT) Madras, M.Tech. Student
Advisor: Dr. Shankar Balachandran
Area: Fourier Transform on Galois Field, digital logic synthesis, discrete math
Project: Predicting the post-synthesis complexity of digital logic using Fourier Transform on Boolean Cube [Master Thesis]


December 2020
SCIEN Distinguished Poster Award by OPPO
J. Thatte, B. Girod, "Cinematic Virtual Reality with Head-motion Parallax" [Poster]
December 2017
SCIEN Distinguished Poster Award by NVIDIA
J. Thatte, B. Girod, "Stacked OmniStereo for Virtual Reality with Six Degrees of Freedom" [Poster]
September 2016
IEEE SPS Best Conference Paper for Industry
J. Thatte, J. -B. Boin, H. Lakshman, G. Wetzstein, B. Girod, “Depth Augmented Stereo Panorama for Cinematic Virtual Reality with Focus Cues”, IEEE International Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016. [Abstract] [Webpage] [PDF] [Supplement] [Award]
December 2015
SCIEN Distinguished Poster Award by Apple
J. Thatte, B. Girod, "Depth Augmented Stereo Panorama for Cinematic Virtual Reality" [Poster]
July 2014
Philips India Award for highest cumulative GPA at the time of graduation with B.Tech-M.Tech dual degree in electrical engineering
October 2013
Ranked in top 3 nationwide (from 300 teams) in GS Quantify, a modeling and problem solving contest held by Goldman Sachs in India.
[Contest Problems] [Final Presentation]
October 2008
Represented India and won a silver medal at the XIII International Astronomy Olympiad, Trieste, Italy among teams from 22 countries


J. Thatte, B. Girod, “A Statistical Model for Disocclusions in Depth-based Novel View Synthesis”, IEEE Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing, 2019.
J. Thatte, B. Girod, “The Effect of Motion Parallax and Binocular Stereopsis on Viewer Preference and Size Perception in Virtual Reality”, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Workshop on 360-Degree Perception and Interaction, 2018.
J. Thatte, B. Girod, “Towards Perceptual Evaluation of Six Degrees of Freedom Virtual Reality Rendering from Stacked OmniStereo Representation”, Photography, Mobile, and Immersive Imaging Conference, Electronic Imaging Symposium, 2018.
J. Thatte, T. Lian, B. Wandell, B. Girod, “Stacked Omnistereo for Virtual Reality with Six Degrees of Freedom”, IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2017.
-- Recipient of IEEE SPS Best Paper Award for Industry --

J. Thatte, J. -B. Boin, H. Lakshman, G. Wetzstein, B. Girod, “Depth Augmented Stereo Panorama for Cinematic Virtual Reality with Focus Cues”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016.
J. Thatte, J. -B. Boin, H. Lakshman, B. Girod, “Depth Augmented Stereo Panorama for Cinematic Virtual Reality with Head-Motion Parallax”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2016.

Projects by Research Area

Cinematic Virtual Reality, Head-motion Parallax, and Visual Perception [Details]
Deep Learning [Details]
Features, Descriptors, and Registration [Details]
Astrophysics [Details]
Modeling and Algorithms [Details]


Winter 2018
Stanford University
EE368: Digital Image Processing [Website]
Teaching Assistant
Fall 2013
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, India
Analog Circuits [Website]
EC3102: Teaching Assistant


June-September 2016
Cupertino, CA, USA
Apple Inc.
Position: Software Engineering Intern
Keywords: Deep Learning, Novel View Synthesis
Project: Worked on developing an algorithm for high-quality novel view synthesis with constrains on total computation. Combined deep learning with classical methods to minimize computation while maintaining the image quality.
Barclays Bank PLC
Position: Quantitative Strategist Intern
Keywords: Statistics, Modelling, Finance
Project: Developed a method for predicting profitability of prospective bonds transactions by modeling market movement. Devised a strategy for profitable hedging and identified client groups with potential for revenue enhancement.
Dresden, Germany
Technical University Dresden
Position: Research Intern (advised by Prof. Gerard Fettweis)
Keywords: Wireless Communication, Cognitive Radio, Femtocells
Project: Developed an algorithm for cognitive interference management in user-deployed femtocell networks. Each femtocell adjusted its power and frequency in a distributed manner thereby reducing the overall outage probability for end-users and substantially increasing the total network capacity.
Pune, India
Bitmapper VLSI Solutions
Position: Intern
Keywords: Digital systems design, FPGA
Project: I developed an FPGA-based QDR controller IP designed for fast operation and achieved a data transfer rate of 100MBps. I also developed an IP to interface Xilinx FPGA with TI DSP using EMIF bus for high speed signal processing applications. Both the IPs were developed in VHDL and delivered to the client at the end of the internship. [PDF]


Python, MATLAB, OpenGL, CUDA, C++, Unity3D


jayantt [at] stanford [dot] edu
Stanford University, David Packard Electrical Engineering, 350 Serra Mall #353, Stanford, CA, 94305

Last updated on May 02, 2020